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A Friendly Message Of Peace To The World

Interview with Jeannette de Nazareth: My struggle is more difficult as I sing and dance for peace; unfortunately, the world seems to be in favor of war.

I am not Israeli, nor Palestinian, nor French, nor Canadian; I am the Lost Child (song #19; project 2001) who is in Search for Identity and wish to belong to all humanity united in God. Each song has a significant and very powerful Friendly Message of Peace to the World. At the present, I am crying out in the desert to all the lost children, who fell under my situation, to bring them back home: Peace.

Jeannette of Nazareth: In my life, I have journeyed from intolerable sorrow to the most extreme joy. I also experience up to this moment all kind of rejections and humiliation from certain sectors of the society. Since the unforgettable, sad alarming event of Sept. 11, 2001, I woke up from a deep sleep, and I decided to tear firmly the curtain of Shyness & Pride (play #1). Suddenly, in a special spark of light, I was transformed utterly into new person. All anger and frustration within me was turned into Joy and Peace.

Ever since, I communicate this AFM of Peace to the World through singing and dancing. I invite everyone to do the same. I realize it is very important to forgive those who offended us in order to be forgiven for our weaknesses, and that there is no other way around to acquire Inner Peace. As waves of violence and wars are viciously invading our planet in an everlasting escalation, I Jeannette cry out in the desert in the voice of St. John The Baptist and everyone to discover their beautiful forgotten buried gifts and talents and urge them to share them with their families, relatives, friends, and community seeking to create joy and peace to all. In solidarity, I am more than convinced that we are about to conquer all world misery and win our big battle and Race Towards Goodness, Brotherhood, and Humanity (song #22; project 2001). Victory over Pride and Shyness is granted to all and peace shall reign on Earth now and forever! Amen!

Tell us more about AFM of Peace to the World.

J o N: As I mention in play#1 (Victory over Shyness, Pride, and Fear of Ridicule), since Sept. 11, 2001, as this horrible event shook the heart of the universe, it awakened human conscience to realize there are serious unresolved problems out there, which need to be resolved urgently. Something must be done soon enough to save the universe from potential destruction!

As, I was captive for long years to Shyness & Pride; was afraid to be laughed at and stand before the public to declare AFM of Peace to the World. Realizing that I am merely an amateur musician and I do not fall under the traditional definition of what is known as a professional singer, actor, dancer, painter, calligrapher, play writer etc. I compare this unique experience a little bit with the day of Pentecost, as I ripped firmly the curtain of Pride and Shyness, I come with King David‚s courage right in the heart of the public with my little tiny karaoke, to declare openly about the AFM of Peace to the World : Time is running out; our cosmos is sick. Mother Nature is aching; the human heart is torn into pieces and broken by the stress spurting from social and political injustice as well as high technology.

I call to everyone to do something about it urgently before it will be too lateI add, let us wake up from our deep sleep! Let us participate in this big important Race Towards Goodness, Brotherhood, & Humanity (song #22; proj. 2001). Some people win their race heroically through strong faith in God and constant perseverance and effort; while others, stay captive to shyness, to fear, pride, lack of confidence which eventually form big obstacles in our lives which prevent us from achieving harmony & peace. I believe, the secret for success is working in solidarity with courage in the light of God in order for all to reach our common goal: Peace. As long as we keep working individually, I am afraid our victory is far from being attained. Why? The answer is simple. Whatever good is won on one side; unfortunately, it is lost on the other. Consequently, humanity is degraded continually by its lack of sincere commitment. In spite of the high technology achieved by humanity, we are still found at the starting point. Why? We have to repair what has been destroyed by selfishness and materialistic motifs in order to lift up human values. We ought to work in solidarity and only so, we shall achieve our common ultimate goal and sole big dream: PEACE

Tell us a bit about the Lost Child, Jeannette de Nazareth?

J o N: Jeannette is a Lost Child who was in Search for an Identity in this world; after long years of torment, she finally finds Inner Peace in the Heavenly Father. As she declares, being set free through singing Dancing of the Heart; (song #1; proj. 2001); she invites everyone to March for Peace (song #21; proj. 2001) in harmony and acknowledgement of God’s first place among humanity; the ultimate solution to finding true peace.

I believe there are lost children on different levels; each of us at one point or another in our lives fell under one of the following categories: the family, social, political, physical, spiritual or psychological level, etc. I explain briefly this notion. Some children are, for example, rejected by a member of their family. Others due to stereotype or racism are discriminated against by society. As for the political level, I believe strongly, it is due to wars and violence. We can also have lost children because of their appearance or undefined sexual identity. People who have no faith, belong to no religion, or have no heroes in their lives would fall under spiritual level. Last but not least, people who are victims of all the above categories are lost children on a psychological level. To fall under this particular category is the worst one can experience. It is a constant source of torture that can often lead into suicide or aggressive behavior, such as violence, inner and outward war, or vengeance.
Wars similarly, would have the same concept. I invite experts in the field of psychology, sociology, politics, philosophy, and science into take in consideration these serious issues source of human misery and regression. They should study the causes of these problems, and try, with loyalty and sincerity to find quick healthy solutions which will bring back harmony to all humanity..

Tell us about the AFM Peace concerts and your team.

J o N: Since Sept. 11, 2001; I sing and dance for peace at the following places: churches of different denominations, non-profit organizations, nursing homes, schools, prisons etc. I also participate in fundraising in support of humanitarian causes. So far, all my services are free!

My team consists of volunteers who I love dearly: A close friend of mine, his daughter: Eric and Karine. This sweet 10 yrs. old girl and my children with a special attention to my unique son Guy who often bring their friends to these concerts. I make everyone participate in this Human Race (song#22) done through music. I never know ahead of time who will be there; so all the children‚s performance is spontaneous and based on unlimited waves of creativity. Children are beautiful; they are my best friends. I treat them like my own with a caring motherly spirit. I am a channel of Love and Peace. A medium between humanity and God. Everyone who sows harmony and peace in the world is so, no matter what is his/her background, race, religion, color, nationality, sex, age, etc. Everyone is beautiful in his own way and God loves us the way we are!

How can peace be achieved through AFM of Peace to the World?

J o N: Music is a universal language and a key to open our heart in all conditions; in time of sorrow and happiness. Every cell in our body dances to music. For when we are happy; our smile is a joy song in itself; when we cry it is a blues song. I have a repertoire of about 35 songs and melodies. Each song has a strong positive message beyond the lyrics. They are my composition. Most of my songs are sung in English and French ; others could be in three to four language within the same song. I sing up to six languages. My music has oriental and occidental flavors; so I harmonize between the Eastern and the Western civilizations. I dance on multicultural music; I read poems, short stories, and plays of my own creation based on truth and facts. So every note of music is my autobiography. The AFM of Peace to the World is: We have an alarming problem in our Universe; let us solve it together without any further delay and chase away human misery. For, victory is next door; the key for Joy & Peace is in our hands. In-shallah, with the help of God, we shall make all misery dissipate through human reconciliation with each other and our Creator. Amen!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Catholic Church who took me in their arms at the age of 28 days and taught me all the precious Christian values putting emphasis the God unconditional love & mercy. Reclaiming His #1 place on Earth and #2 for all Humanity. As for Materialism #3 on a condition to be at the service of humanity to elevate and never to degrade good human values. I also would like to extend this note of gratitude to all churches, non-profit & charitable organizations, and many individual volunteers worldwide who opened the door before me in which they contributed in their own special way towards peace. I say thank to all from all my heart! You are truly channel of Peace! God bless you and your family in everything you do!

Merry Christmas to the entire World!

Peace! Paix! Salam! Shalom! Pax! Paz! Pace!

Joy and Peace to the World now and Forever! Amen!

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